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A Letter to Album of the Year Staff

Hi there,

My name is DNLMC and I started on AOTY back in 2022. Unfortunately throughout my time on this website, I have experienced a lot of negatives with the site, and I feel it’s finally time for me to give up on this site and give some recommendations to moderators.

During my time on this site, my main account, one that I had worked really hard on and did a lot to get to almost 500 followers, got banned out of the blue and I had no explanation. I could no longer add albums, rate albums, and add covers. This was after donating to the site and giving my own money to the creators. I lost everything I had going with that account and it was devastating.

So I made a new account. I felt it was the only way to get back into this site that I had spent so much time on and loved. It was all good until someone added my music to the site. I was banned recently yet again with (again) no explanation, and I am 100% certain it’s because someone added my music to the site. Once I rated my own stuff and claimed it was mine, days later I was banned. Is that seriously against the rules, even if you yourself didn’t even add the music?

So this is it. I’m giving up. I’ve tried these forums many times with a different account to no avail. I hope the AOTY moderators will learn from this and start giving people explanations. It’s not okay to ban an account that not only was working hard to get to where they were, but even after donating their hard earned money and getting banned is a kick to the gut. Please give us explanations if we’re banned.

Goodbye AOTY,


A follow up.

These forums are filled with people who have struggled with the same things that I have struggled with, yet never got the response they deserve. These posts date back to July of 2023, almost a year ago. If the moderators of AOTY are this inactive, there needs to be changes to the team. People are confused and upset about this and AOTY needs to take responsibility to communicate with users.

An image is attached.

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fax brother :handshake:


real shit i was just banned too with no explanation. the staff don’t seem to care at all about their users or the site, so many better alternatives anyway


You have multiple accounts, nine as of right now. Your original account is still active.

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