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Fixing polarizing user ratings

This has been said before but this needs to be addressed. Many users have been 0 bombing albums for no reason. Not because they dislike it. Most of these accounts have extremely polarizing ratings. Giving 2s or less to indie or more experimental artists while giving 100s to pop albums. There’s nothing wrong with preferring pop music but these accounts clearly haven’t listened to the music being rated.

There needs to be a way to help balance out all these unfair scores. By lowering the weight of polarizing users or forcing them to write a review for extreme ratings.

I don’t have reviews for all my extreme scores, but I wouldn’t mind if it meant albums would be safe from assholes 0 bombing.


I think just deleting accounts that don’t appear to be genuine user ratings works well. What if I feel extremely about an album legitimately, and don’t have much to say about it? Locking to reviews allows for just simple “a. That’s the review!” moments.


deleting accounts with ratings that “don’t appear to be genuine” is a bad idea. it’s too difficult to gauge what’s intentional rate tanking or just passionate opinions about albums, outside of obvious cases like an account of nothing but 0s or 100s. music is very personal and subjective, and it shouldn’t be surprising when someone has a lot of high or low ratings.

and imagine if your account was randomly deleted because someone had decided your ratings were fake, without even warning or asking you first? as far as i know there’s no way to recover anything


I’d suggest rating distribution then?

i think weighting users scores based off of how active or how long they’ve been a member would help.

Also lowering the weight of users that use polarizing ratings would help.

Then there’s all these users creating side accounts to push the releasess they want.
Look at this and try to tell me all the accounts that rated the EP don’t belong to the same guy.