I know there’s button said “add album” on my Pfp but when I click on it. It said “Sorry, but you must be a member for at least a month before adding an album”. How should I do or what to do?
I know there’s button said “add album” on my Pfp but when I click on it. It said “Sorry, but you must be a member for at least a month before adding an album”. How should I do or what to do?
I think it’s self-explanatory - be a member for at least a month, then you get access to adding albums feature.
How to be a member?
Just like on absolutely every website on the Internet - by creating an account (which you’ve already done). It’s free, doesn’t require being a supporter btw.
How do you change album covers? I accidently added a low quality version of a cover and I cant find a way to change it to the high quality one
so are you allowed to add any album to aoty when available? even deleted albums?