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Music Criticism Website β€” would anyone like to participate?

Hey, my name is Leo, I am a 19-year-old film student. Since I was a kid I have always loved talking about music and a couple of years ago I created a site to post music reviews (this was before I discovered platforms like RYM and AOTY). For all this time, I had been able to maintain the site on my own, with me writing for it, about 3 reviews a week. However, due to my studies that will intensify next semester, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep up with everything. I would like to know if anyone would like to participate in this project, I am thinking of investing some money in it (buying a host and stuff like that). At first, the people who would like to participate would be unpaid volunteers β€” maybe someday, if all goes well, it could generate a certain income for some people. So if anyone is interested, you can message me here on RYM or, if you like, on my Twitter: @whos_leonardo. Have a nice day!

Just one question: do you think this is still something valid or should I just give up?

Addendum: I don’t know if we can post this kind of thing here, so let me know :slight_smile:


Great things always start small! Don’t give it up just yet, especially when you have passion for it.
I think there can never be too many music review sites. The more diversity and more perspective the better.
What is your site’s address? Would love to visit and contribute:smiley:

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But I will probably change the name and address in the near future

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yeah sure, why not

who u a on rym?