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Objectivity of rating in communities

I am interested in the question of the objectivity of the rating. There are always doubts about the impartiality of music publications. One music lover’s score may depend on various circumstances. On the other hand, in large communities, any fluctuations are usually smoothed out.

Here’s how communities voted last year for The Slow Rush by Tame Impala:

This album received the highest number of support votes in the Indieheads community - 10.2 k (95%).
In the BEA community - # 7 out of 3.000 (486 votes).
The album took # 188 in the AOTY community (Liked by 120 people).
In the RYM community, the album took - # 1060 place (8,713 ratings).

One would assume that RYM has always disliked this group. But the album Lonerism (2012) still takes an honorable place there - # 9.
What happened user preferences last year?

P.S. Community Discussion:
LetsTalkMusic (Indieheads) - this post has been removed by the moderators

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I think objectivity in music communities needs to be taken with the smallest grain of salt. The whole reason why we gather to rate music is because of the subjectivity of music. I guess you could say that all sites have some hive minds. I know if I move on to an album I dislike and notice great reviews from publications especially of Pitchfork or Fantano, I see the album in a new light. I don’t automatically like it for these reasons but swaying opinions are prevalent among music critic teens on the internet.

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Hello everyone. I do not know English, I use Google.
It just so happens that I haven’t visited the AOTY forum for several years.
So I forgot all the settings and had to create a new account.
Apparently this blocked this topic for several days.
Therefore, the discussion in other forums was ahead of schedule.
Links to mirror topics in other communities I have attached in the title message.

Forum AOTY is the most unknown to me of all 4 presented sites.
I don’t know anything about the rating algorithm on the AOTY forum.
But I always follow the painstaking work of the site on the lists of music magazines.
At the end of the year, these lists become a very important source of information for me.
The AOTY score for this album is between the extremes.
I have a guess that this is due to site policy.
After all, AOTY deals with the summation of the ratings of music magazines.
Perhaps this result is the most weighted rating of the year from the existing ones.

Hello everyone!
AOTY User enrolled as a participant in the tournament: 2021 ★ Best Of (So Far)
In three nominations: 1) Music Videos, 2) Tracks, 3) Albums; + team score: 4) Teams.
The release rating is determined by the sequence: 1) number, 2) average, 3) number of votes.
The AOTY singles rating equates to the missing music video rating.
The video’s rating bet is the first single with an official video released.
Everyone is invited to summarize the musical results of the first half of 2021.
You can take part by voting for releases on the AOTY User site.
You can also participate with your own ratings on the RYM platform.
Who has the opportunity to represent the interests of AOTY User at the tournament in RYM, please respond in this thread.
Good luck to all!

In recent years, every December I promise myself that I will no longer deal with the results.
But January comes and everything starts all over again.
Perhaps because every tour can now be the last against my will.
Recently, the results of the first month of 2023 were summed up.
AOTY User won a team victory with a difference of only one point.
Congratulations. For me, this came as a real surprise.
Because at the stage of applications, only the third album of AOTY User received the status of a bid.

This year there have been important changes in the regulations.
The defining day for the last week of the month is now Tuesday instead of Friday.
This is done to justify the album ratings of the last day of releases.
On the other hand, the middle of the week remains unpredictable for the singles rankings.