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Quick fixes?

Great to see all the new features to the site, Rob. Just here to lay down some suggestions that I suppose can be an easy addition/fix.

For the search bar, would it be possible to make it search for keywords in names instead of just the exact specific titles exclusively? For example, if I would want to search up this album (, I would have to type in the entire title word for word like “Debut Surbahar Recital (New Delhi, 1950)” instead of the easier route of just typing in something like “debut surbahar.” Or let’s say if I would want to search the new Flaming Lips record. Putting in just “Oczy” into the search bar yields no results so I would have to put in the entire title. Sounds like a nitpick, but it could really be useful for searching stuff with foreign names or hard-to-remember names.

For adding new releases, a bootleg (or unofficial/unauthorized) option for the release type would also be appreciated.


Here’s another important-ish problem regarding adding albums. This dude ( and many other artists have chosen to release multiple self-titled albums of the same name and it’s impossible to add them as it blocks you from adding albums with the same name.

for example, Moondog has a 1969 S/T album added on the website but I’m not able to add in another one of his albums from 1956 that has the same exact name.

Ya never know, kind of a big issue for the classic solo artists who loved to pull off stuff like this all the time.

Unofficial has been added as an album type.

I’ve also changed the search algorithm a bit. Partial searches should be better now, but let me know if you’re running into issues with more exact searches not returning good results.


Thanks rob, this fixes exactly what i had in mind. the search function is a hell of a lot easier to use now

I love how quick you are with suggestions. Searching is infinitely better now, thanks.

You are now able to add multiple albums with the same title for an artist. Sorry for the long delay on this one.