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Still can’t add my music

@Rob I still can’t add albums to the site anymore, I won’t go over why again because I’ve already said multiple times on the forums why I think it’s completely unfair because the album isn’t even official and was removed hours later, but today I released my first EP. I used an alt account to add it to the site, but I worry that it might be a risky decision. I need help with this, I don’t see a reason why I should be restricted from submitting corrections, adding albums, and voting for genres, even though in the long run my mistake didn’t matter at all. I have given my own money to the site in order to promote my music, but it really doesn’t matter if my music can’t even be added to the site. I don’t want to ask anyone else to do it, because I’ve read of somebody’s music being added by another user, and then when they claimed it was theirs, they were banned. This is the third time I’m posting to this forum, in hope that this problem will get fixed. Even if I can’t get the permission back, I would at least like a reasonable explanation why. I made the mistake when I was very new to the site, so I just added it to be funny, and didn’t even notice their were rules. This is something I really want changed, and it would mean a lot if it was. My account is L4ZER.