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"" User is no longer with us "

Why does everytime i post something i get this message ? I am banned ?

It means you were shadow banned
It’s kinda what you get for harassing users in an immature and frustrating way :man_shrugging:t3:

I’ve harassed who ?


I assume that you know the definition of Harassing, but in case you don’t, I left it right down here.

Harassing: to intentionally annoy or upset someone over a period of time.

When you constantly bug/attack people in their reviews with vigor for disagreeing with your opinion, that is harassing someone. When you exacerbate arguments in album comment sections with multiple people and come after them for having thoughts despite people telling you to calm down, that is harassing someone. When you send users their lists/self promos to “mess with them” for your own personal enjoyment despite them asking you to stop, that is harassment. Need I go on?

Also, this site - this particular forums - is often neglected and Rob has stated to rarely checking this site due to its defunct state; there is a very little chance you will get his response and you might find better results in contacting him through other mediums of communications.

Best of luck.